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Willin Three

Territorial Vineyards Eugene, OR, United States

Everything good & look out for special guests!

Henry Cooper Trio

Territorial Vineyards Eugene, OR, United States

Swampytonk Dancin Blues

Dubious Rubes

Territorial Vineyards 907 w 3rd avenue, eugene, OR, United States

Sick grooves, smart lyrics, hot solos, sweet tunes.

Southtowne Saints

Territorial Vineyards Eugene, OR, United States

jazzy Goodness

Concrete Delta Band

Territorial Vineyards Eugene, OR, United States

Americana Music from 3 good friends--this time give or take-- (Steve Arriola, Todd Dennis, Paul Hobbs) who Love Guitars, tube amps and 3-part harmony. Old Country Music, Blues, Rock plus 20th century Pop & other surprises and sometimes a groovy drummer too!